It's All About You
Meshimer’s business model is based around one thing: you. As our customer, your input is vital to our continual refinement of our search parameters, resulting in ever greater gains of safety and discernment.
Flexible to Your Needs
Meshimer’s programs are run off a highly specialized filtering program that allows for multiple users on the same network to have their own filtering needs and preferences met.
Additionally, Meshimer’s software and hardware are uniquely designed to screen for offensive images and content in certain parts of different web pages, resulting in the ability to display only the relevant, safe parts of the websites you or your employees might need to access for work.
Smarter Filtering
Meshimer's content-based filters are designed for the outmost productivity. With Skin Shading and Video Block technologies Meshimer is able to filter out parts of a page, allowing you to get the information you need. Plus, Skin Shading and Video Block preferences may be customized to your needs.
Always-On Support
Our reliable team of professionals is always ready to answer any questions.
We’ll walk you through the process of beginning your new days of safety, security, and reliability, and add customization policies to meet your personal and business needs.